DSMCoverage Service - v1.4
DSMCoverage Service will return a JSON file containing coverage of Digital Surface Model (DSM) available from the Vexcel library. The output JSON will contain the geometry of the geographic coverage for the query. This service is particularly useful to:
Identify the available layers available over a given location
Identify the specific AOIs available over a given location and the Child AOIs within the AOIs
Compare coverage between sensor types (layers)
See the full extent of an AOI’s coverage
Technical Details
This service operates by process of elimination to identify Digital Surface Model (DSM) coverage; by using no refining parameters it is possible to receive complete coverage across the entire Vexcel library. The layer
, aoi
, and wkt
parameters can be used to narrow a search for specific types or locations of imagery. While this service primarily exists to provide coverage geometry, a handful of metadata attributes are also available to help identify AOIs.
Special considerations
DSM coverage implies Ortho coverage but not the other way around. DSM vs Ortho
Output Specifications:
JSON file format
AOI name
Coverage Type
Min Capture Date
Max Capture Date
AOI Area
AOI Max Zoom
AOI Pretty Name
Child AOI(s)
Base URL
This service responds to requests from the following URL:
Parameter | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Example Format | Notes |
Mandatory: | |||||
| Key Value Pair | String | Token used to authenticate the requests. |
| Use the Authenticate Service to receive a token. A token will temporarily be stored in cache and may be omitted on subsequent calls. |
Optional: | |||||
| Key Value Pair | String | Desired layers, separated by commas.
| |
| Key Value Pair | String | The identifier of the specific Area of Interest (AOI) containing the DSM. |
bluesky-ultra: bluesky-ultra-europe: bluesky-ultra-japan: bluesky-ultra-oceania: bluesky-high: bluesky-high-europe: | |
| Key Value Pair | String | The identifier of the specific childAOI. It will return the coverage of the AOI(s) that contain it, and the specified childAOI. |
bluesky-ultra: bluesky-ultra-europe: bluesky-ultra-japan: bluesky-ultra-oceania: bluesky-high: bluesky-high-europe: |
| Key Value Pair | String | The well-known-text (WKT) representation of the requested point or polygon to filter the coverages intersected by this zone. |
| |
| Key Value Pair | Integer | The EPSG code determines the projection of the provided |
| |
| Key Value Pair | String | Fields to be included on the JSON result, separated by comas.
| |
| Key Value Pair | String | Fields to be skipped on the JSON result, separated by comas.
| |
| Key Value Pair | String | Desired output format of the geospatial polygon within the response text. |
Texas City, TX - Demonstrating AOI
, epsg
, skip
and include
: https://api.gic.org/metadata/DSMCoverage?aoi=us-tx-pearland-2021&epsg=32615&skip=aoi.min_gsd,aoi.aoi&include=aoi.child_aoi.avg_gsd&token={token}
Sample Pretty JSON Response (truncated):
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: [
type: "Feature",
properties: {
Coverage Type: "dsm",
Max GSD: 0.079931065,
Min Capture date: "2021-01-17 04:11:38",
Max Capture date: "2021-01-31 07:35:34",
layer: "bluesky-ultra",
AOI Area: 2209.8618,
AOI Max Zoom: 21,
AOI Pretty Name: ""
Coverage Geometry Visualized in QGIS:
Roma, Italy - Demonstrating wkt
and format
:https://api.gic.org/metadata/DSMCoverage?wkt=POINT(12.4920256 41.8897457)&format=wkt&token={token}
Sample JSON response (truncated):
{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","properties":{"AOI":"it-62-rome-2022","Coverage Type":"dsm","Min GSD":0.032385413,"Max GSD":0.07353346,"Min Capture date":"2022-03-21 09:08:41","Max Capture date":"2022-06-06 11:12:37","layer":"bluesky-ultra-europe","AOI Area":1804.0221,"AOI Max Zoom":21,"AOI Pretty Name":""},"geometry":"MULTIPOLYGON (((12.160364616166968 41.878107262767756, 12.161974207192912 41.8781455525093, 12.165352080320007 41.879275259677755, 12.16774907381479 41.8831808114066, 12.167691671197385 41.8864919093573, 12.170813986502125 41.88660639392092, 12.174077722362817 41.89004054472892,
Coverage Geometry Visualized in QGIS:
External Resources
wkt generator and visualizer:
Wicket - Lightweight Javascript for WKT [Sandbox]
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