GetImageTile Service - v1.3

GetImageTile Service - v1.3

GetImageTile service will deliver a given tile from a given image, a tile being a 256x256 pixel portion of the image. Every image is available at full resolution, 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 of the original resolution, and then they are cut into 256x256 tiles starting with the upper left corner. This service will be very useful for creating mapping application integration with discrete imagery. It will allow downloading an image tile after tile, significantly speeding up the process of the user viewing something on the screen and avoiding downloading useless parts of the image according to the user interaction.

Each tile contains the header object cache-control: max-age, set to 21515 seconds or roughly 6 hours. max-age can be used by the end client to reduce the number of times the same tile is downloaded within a single user session.

Base URL

This service will answer to requests on the following URL:


The service will take the following mandatory parameters ordered as in the REST protocol expected:

  • layer[Mandatory – String]: Layer of the requested image. Note that images with the same name may belong to different layers. For example, a normal discrete image from a city and its streets overlay images may not be on the same layer.

  • imagename[Mandatory – String]: Name of the extracted tile's image.

The service will take following parameters ordered as http GET parameters:

  • AuthToken [String – Mandatory]: Authentication token received from Login service. Can either be present as URL parameter or cookie with the same name.

  • zoom[Mandatory – Integer]: Zoom level of the image, being 0 the lowest (same as extracted from the aircraft), and every other level would result from shrinking the original image into half its width and half its height.

  • xcoordinate[Mandatory – Integer]: Number to identify the given tile inside the image in the X axis, being X=0 the tiles on the left edge of the image.

  • ycoordinate[Mandatory – Integer]: Number to identify the given tile inside the image in the Y axis, being Y=0 the row of tiles in the top edge of the image.

  • returnOnFailure[optional – String]: A String indicating whether to deliver blank image or text (default option) on failure. A blank image can be useful for map or GIS application integration on which the app is expecting image data to be received even if an error occurs, and text delivers a JSON Error message.

Request example



Responses and response formats

This service may deliver:

  • Success: Requested image data, in the format the image had been processed (usually JPG, PNG, TIFF or ECW)

  • Error: JSON Error message or transparent image, depending on returnOnFailure parameter value.

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