Discrete Images Metadata - v1.3
Discrete Images Metadata - json format
Parameter | Description | Notes |
Image_id | unique image id | |
processing_date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format | |
processing_toolset_version | ||
capture_date | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format | |
original_image_name | ||
original_shot_id | ||
flight_line_id | ||
utm_zone | ||
camera_pos_x | Camera position X | UTM coordinates |
camera_pos_y | Camera position Y | UTMĀ coordinates |
camera_z | Camera position Z | Meters above the sea level |
ground_z | Ground elevation at the center of the image | Meters (Orthometric) |
omega | Radians referred to the UTM reference system | |
phi | RadiansĀ referredĀ to the UTM reference system | |
kappa | RadiansĀ referredĀ to the UTM reference system | |
centre_wkt | Center Point in the EPSG used in the request. If no EPSG is defined in the request information is provided in the UTM reference system | |
centre_wkt_latlon | Center Point in LatLong/WGS84 | |
bbox_wkt | image footprint in the EPSG used in the request. If no EPSG is defined in the request information is provided in the UTM reference system | |
bbox_wkt_latlon | image footprint in LatLong/WGS84 | |
orientation | image orientation | N, S, E, W (oblique images) |
projectname | Capture project name image belongs | |
copyrightsentence | ||
processingcenter | ||
layername | Layer name where the image belongs | |
dtmfile | ||
cameratechnology | Imagery Capture TechnologyĀ | |
projectext | Project Block image belongs | |
calibration_date | ||
raster_size_width | Ā Image width | pixels |
raster_size_height | Ā Image height | pixels |
pixel_size | Ā Image pixel size | mm. |
focal_length | Ā Camera focal length | mm. |
pp0_x | Principal point offset | mm. |
pp0_y | Principal point offset | mm. |
k0 | Distortion parameters | |
k1 | Distortion parameters | |
k2 | Distortion parameters | |
k3 | Distortion parameters | |
p1 | Distortion parameters | |
p2 | Distortion parameters | |
b1 | Distortion parameters | |
b2 | Distortion parameters | |
camera_name | ||
id | ||
max_zoom | zoom level of maximum resolution (usually 0) | Integer value |
min_zoom | zoom level of minimum resolution | Integer value |
tile_size_x | tile size (width) in pixels | Pixels |
tile_size_y | tile size (height) in pixels | Pixels |
gsd | Image GSD | Meters |
relationPolygonInImage | intersectionArea / imageArea | |
relationImageInPolygon | intersectionArea / polygonArea |
Distortion Model
Principal point corrections:
š„1 = ((š„measureĀ -Ā (Image WidthĀ / 2) ) * PixelSize); š„ = š„1 - š„š
š¦1 = (((Image Height / 2 )Ā - š¦measure ) * PixelSize); š¦ = š¦1 - š¦š
Lens distortion corrections:
š2 = š„2 + š¦2
šš = š0 * š + š1 * š3 + š2 * š5 + š3 * š7
š„correct = š„ * (1 + (šš/š)) + š1 * ( š2 + 2 * š„2 ) + 2 * š2 * š„ * š¦ + š1 * š„ + š2 * š¦
š¦correct = š¦ * (1 + (šš/š) ) + š2 * ( š2 + 2 * š¦2 ) + 2 * š1 * š„ * š¦
Asterisk (*
) indicates multiplication.
Discrete Images Metadata - csv format - extractImages
Parameter | Description | Note |
Image_Name | Unique image name | Ā |
Date_Hour | Ā | YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format |
UTM_zone | Ā | Ā |
X_(m) | Reprojection center point position X | UTM coordinates |
Y_(m) | Reprojection center point position Y | UTM coordinates |
Z_(m) | Ground elevation at the center of the image | Meters (Orthometric) |
Omega_(rad) | Ā | Radians referred to the UTM reference system |
Phi_(rad) | Ā | Radians referred to the UTM reference system |
Kappa_(rad) | Ā | Radians referred to the UTM reference system |
Camera_ID | Ā | Ā |
Width_(pixels) | Image width | pixels |
Height_(pixels) | Image height | pixels |
Pixel_Size_(mm) | Image pixel size | mm |
Focal_Length_(mm) | Camera focal length | mm |
PP0_X_(mm) | Principal point offset | mm |
PP0_Y_(mm) | Principal point offset | mm |
K0 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
K1 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
K2 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
K3 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
P1 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
P2 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
B1 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
B2 | Distorsion parameters | Ā |
scale | Ā | Ā |
minX | Ā | Ā |
minY | Ā | Ā |
camera_pos_x | Camera position X | UTM coordinates |
camera_pos_y | Camera position Y | UTM coordinates |
camera_z | Camera position Z | Meters above the sea level (Orthometric) |
Discrete Images Metadata - xm8 format - extractImages
Parameter | Description | Note |
name | Unique image name | Ā |
id | Orientation | Ā |
xScale | Meters per pixel in X axis | Ā |
yScale | Meters per pixel in Y axis | Ā |
lat | Lattitude from center pointĀ | LatLong/WGS84 |
lng | Longitude from center point | LatLong/WGS84 |
ulLat | Latitude from upper left point of the blueprintĀ | LatLong/WGS84 |
ulLng | Longitude upper left point of the blueprint | LatLong/WGS84 |
lrLat | Lattitude from lower right point of the blueprintĀ | LatLong/WGS84 |
lrLng | Longitude upper lower right of the blueprint | LatLong/WGS84 |
dt | Date | DD-MM-YYYY |
header | BearingĀ | LatLong/WGS84 |
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