ExtractNIRImages Service - v1.4
The ExtractNIRImages service will take a point or polygon and return the near-infrared (NIR) band within one or more color-shifted near-infrared (CIR) images, depending on the parameters of the request. Because the near-infrared band is outside of the visible spectrum, it is necessary to represent the near-infrared band using one of the visible spectrum colors (red, green or blue) using color-shifting. The resulting color-infrared (CIR) image represents the infrared, red and green (IRG) bands as:
near-infrared band as red
red band as green
green band as blue.
blue band is not returned
Despite being displayed as red, the near-infrared band contains accurate NIR data and can be used for many applications, including:
See through smoke (in combination with dynamic range processing)
Normalized difference vegetation indexing (NDVI)
Analyze agricultural fields (e.g. growth rate, irrigation/fertilizer use)
Classify land use (vegetated, non-vegetated, water, etc.)
Disaster assessment (identify living/dead vegetation)
Technical Details
The ExtractNIRImages service is accessed by specifying the point (latitude and longitude) or polygon bounding box (well-known-text). Depending on parameters, this service will return the whole image or a portion of the image. The portion of the image is dimensioned either by request parameters width
and height
and centered on the requested point when using the xcoordinate
and ycoordinate
or by the request parameter crop
when using the wtk
Output Image Specifications:
8-bit depth
7.5 or 20 cm centimeter resolution (
dependent)CIR color shift RGB → IRG:
Red = G
Green = B
Jpeg image format
Output Format: Jpeg images in a compressed folder
Folder Name:
{layer parameter}.zip
Image Name:
{year}~{AOI name}~{camera orientation}~{image name}.jpg
Base URL
The ExtractNIRImages service responds to the following base URLs:
Base URL with only mandatory parameters:
Base URLs with all parameters defined as key-value-pairs:
Lat/Lon Coordinate Area
Polygon Area
Parameter | Parameter Type | Data Type | Description | Example Format | Notes |
Mandatory Parameters: | |||||
| Ordered REST | string | Layer of the requested image.
Urban data collected with Osprey in Japan (7.5 GSD)
| The |
| Key Value Pair (KVP) | string | Indicates the work mode of the service request.
| Definition of In both cases, if there are multiple images which meet the |
| Key-Value-Pair | Integer | The zoom level of the returned images. 0 = Full Resolution |
| Key-Value-Pair | Integer | The EPSG code determines the projection of the provided coordinates or wkt polygon. |
| More info on EPSG codes in External Resources |
| Key-Value-Pair | String | Token used to authenticate the requests. |
| Use the Authenticate Service to receive a token. |
Mandatory - Method of defining area: Lat/Lon Coordinates or Polygon. Only one method can be used per URL call. | |||||
| |||||
| Key-Value-Pair | double | The longitudinal decimal degree coordinate for the desired point, represented by the EPSG projection defined by the |
| More info on Decimal Degrees in External Resources |
| Key-Value-Pair | double | The latitudinal decimal degree coordinate for the desired point, represented by the EPSG projection defined by the |
| Key-Value-Pair | Integer | The width (in pixels) defining the east/west extent of a rectangle centered on the lat/lon coordinate point. Images intersecting the rectangle will be returned, cropped by the rectangle extent. |
| If not specified, full image(s) intersecting the lat/lon coordinate point will be retrieved. |
| Key-Value-Pair | Integer | The height (in pixels) defining the north/south extent of a rectangle centered on the lat/lon coordinate point. Images intersecting the rectangle will be returned, cropped by the rectangle extent. |
| If not specified, full image(s) intersecting the lat/lon coordinate point will be retrieved. |
| |||||
| Key-Value-Pair | string | The “well-known text” field is used to define a polygon around the desired area. |
| More info on well-known text (wkt) in External Resources |
| Key-Value-Pair | string | The method with which to crop the returned images based on the input
wkt polygon: |
| The |
Optional Parameters | |||||
| Key Value Pair | string | Only the image referred to by this parameter will be downloaded. |
| This parameter is mandatory if The imagename can be obtained through findImage or similar services. |
| Key Value Pair | String | No images collected before this date will be delivered. |
| Key Value Pair | String | No images collected after this date will be delivered. |
| Key Value Pair | string | Determines the rotation of the image:
| Key Value Pair | string | Type of metadata schema to be delivered along with the images. Metadata and images are delivered in the same zip file.
| See Discrete Images Metadata for more information on the format and type of metadata available. |
| Key Value Pair | boolean | By default, a jgw file associated to each image is returned. To exclude all JGW files, set |
| JGW files are not available when area is defined by x/y coordinates. JGW files are not delivered when |
| Key Value Pair | string | Signal to be drawn in the delivered images as a marker of the requested point.
| The drawing parameter is dependent on using a set of The location of the marker will be identified using our underlying DSM layer unless another dem is selected with the |
| Key Value Pair | string | A watermark will be drawn on the bottom of the image(s). By default, the logo will not be printed. |
| Key-Value-Pair | string | A digital elevation model (DEM) is used during the world to pixel projection. This parameter allows the user to select the desired elevation model(s) with which to perform the projection. Multiple DEMs may be selected; values separated by comma. By default this service will select the most accurate available DEM. Listed in order of accuracy:
Crosshairs: When you are using Crop: The Strange Clipping: If you receive any images like the one below there is an issue with our data and ask you to reach out to our support team (support@gic.org or support@vexcelgroup.com) so we can make our production team aware. We recommend changing the DEMPriority to solve for this issue. |
Minneapolis Institute of Art - Example using coordinates:
The output is a compressed directory containing jpg images
RGB representation
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s House - Example using a polygon
https://api.gic.org/images/ExtractNIRImages/bluesky-ultra?epsg=4326&zoom=1&mode=one&imagename=2022~us-mn-minneapolis-2022~images~NN_20220617_151132_86_27F15836702799E_irg&rotatedNorth=yes&wkt=POLYGON((-93.12537831156952 44.9414904394156, -93.12523213117821 44.94150752630889, -93.12519592135651 44.94174674228089, -93.12536892383797 44.941765727632806, -93.12537831156952 44.9414904394156))&crop=boundingbox
RGB representation
Stewart Park, Minneapolis MN - Example using optional parameters:
Metadata (in JSON format):
[{"requested_point_wkt":"POINT(7761.811630220274 4890.897192878125)","gsd":0.0752518773297423,"image_id":"2019~us-mn-minneapolis-2019~images~NW_20190808_155443_92_27F14C5CEC6930E_irg","processing_date":"2021-06-21T23:18:39","processing_toolset_version":"3.3.0","capture_date":"2019-08-08T15:54:43","original_image_name":"nadir/22194-lvl02-color.tif","original_shot_id":"22194-Lvl02-Color","flight_line_id":"1","utm_zone":"15N","camera_pos_x":479555.9888,"camera_pos_y":4977822.573,"camera_z":1448.63501,"ground_z":262.011597,"omega":-0.001688315042463806,"phi":0.008293094654953778,"kappa":1.6478486375884165,"centre_wkt":"POINT(-93.25930679 44.95352711)","centre_wkt_latlon":"POINT(-93.25930679 44.95352711)","bbox_wkt":"POLYGON((-93.26292109 44.94873433,-93.26394805 44.9578427,-93.25570339 44.95830455,-93.25467894 44.94922342,-93.26292109 44.94873433))","bbox_wkt_latlon":"POLYGON((-93.26292109 44.94873433,-93.26394805 44.9578427,-93.25570339 44.95830455,-93.25467894 44.94922342,-93.26292109 44.94873433))","orientation":"I","projectname":"us-mn-minneapolis-2019","copyrightsentence":"VEXCEL_IMAGING_INC","processingcenter":"","layername":"bluesky-ultra","dtmfile":"","cameratechnology":"VEXCEL","projectext":"us-mn-minneapolis-2019","raster_size_width":13470.0,"raster_size_height":8670.0,"pixel_size":0.0052,"focal_length":82.0,"pp0_x":0.0,"pp0_y":0.0,"k0":0.0,"k1":0.0,"k2":0.0,"k3":0.0,"p1":0.0,"p2":0.0,"b1":0.0,"b2":0.0,"camera_name":"0","id":365612518,"max_zoom":0,"min_zoom":7,"tile_size_x":256,"tile_size_y":256,"relationPolygonInImage":0.0,"relationImageInPolygon":0.0}]
RGB representation
External Resources
Note, the following resources are external to Vexcel and may change without prior notice.
EPSG Codes: EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset
Well-known text (wkt): Well-known text representation of geometry
Decimal Degrees: Decimal degrees
Relevant NIR Articles on the Ground Truth Blog:
Infrared Imagery Deep Dive: Infrared Imagery deep dive
Seeing through the smoke with Near-infrared imagery Seeing through the smoke with Near-infrared imagery
Vexcel API v1.1 is released Vexcel API v1.1 is released
More about CIR Infrared color shifting https://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/chouse/airphoto/cir.html#:~:text=The%20invisible%20near%20infrared%20light,green%20and%20green%20as%20blue.
Related content
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