Getting Started with Vexcel Elements Roadway
Welcome to Vexcel Roadway Elements! Here you will find information to help you get started using Vexcel Elements - Roadway data with Vexcel imagery.
Elements - Roadway Overview
Vexcel Elements - Roadway is an AI-based product that provides important data for inventorying roadways for reporting, compliance, and safety analysis. This data is based on imagery captured via the Vexcel Data Program covering both urban and rural areas across the U.S.
Release V1 of Elements - Roadway identifies and maps the location of roadway features including ADA curbmats, roundabouts, and pedestrian islands; as well as crosswalk, stop line, word, symbol, and arrow pavement markings. The data is delivered as a .csv file and/or geodatabase.gdb for viewing in a variety of applications.
Working with Elements Roadway Data
The elements.csv file contains a table of extracted roadway features with attributes about each feature such as location, name, description, area and others. There are up to two types of geometry (Point and Polygon) available for each element. Crosswalk elements contain an additional geometry attribute (LineString) for calculated crossing distances. Each of these geometry types can be displayed in GIS applications. Full descriptions of attribute fields can be found in the Data Dictionary.
Imagery Metadata
In addition to information about each roadway feature, image metadata from the imagery utilized for analysis is included. This information is important for understanding the source imagery analyzed. You’ll use this information to set up and access corresponding Vexcel imagery within GIS applications using Vexcel Imagery Services.
Roadway Elements: Field Name | Description | Example |
| Vexcel image product used for analysis. |
| The identifier of the Area of Interest (AOI) which contains the desired imagery. | us-or-medford-2023 |
| The identifier of the child Area of Interest (AOI) which contains the desired imagery. This parameter can only be used in combination with the | us-or-medford-2023 |
A summary of imagery layers utilized in analysis is available in the report.txt file included with each delivery. As shown in example below, imagery used in analysis may include multiple layer
and childAOI
to cover a jurisdictional boundary or roads of interest.
Setting Up Vexcel Imagery Service in GIS
To access Vexcel’s high-resolution orthorectified image library, you’ll utilize Vexcel’s GetOrthoImageTile service. This service is intended for third party mapping applications, such as a GIS, to display continuous imagery without the need to display large discrete images. The URL parameter you’ll enter will use values from the image metadata contained in the elements.csv file.
Authentication Token Services
Each user that will access Vexcel Imagery Services will need to generate a unique authentication token. Once you have been provided Vexcel Platform credentials, you can generate a token by logging in to the Vexcel API found at Refer to the Vexcel API Documentation: Authentication Token Services for more information.
Vexcel Imagery Service URL
After generating your authentication token, you can use the following base URL, entering the Elements Roadway dataset (layer
and childAOI
) values and your unique token
URL Example:
Unique URL parameter values required for each user and Roadway Elements dataset are highlighted in blue below:{z}/{x}/{y}?aoi=us-or-medford-2023&childAOI=us-or-medford-2023&token=[your_token_here]
Working with Elements Roadway Data in QGIS
Accessing Vexcel Imagery in QGIS
To access Vexcel Imagery:
Select Layer>Add Layer>Add XYZ Layer.
In the Data Source Manager | XYZ dialog box, enter the OrthoImageTile service URL and values specific to the elements roadway data (
) found in the elements.csv file and your uniquetoken
value.Set the Max Zoom Level to 21 and click OK.
For more details about Vector Tile use in QGIS, refer to the QGIS Vector Tile Documentation.
Displaying Elements Roadway Data in QGIS
You can display the detected roadway elements as points using the long
and lat
fields, as polygons using the bbox_wkt
field, and lines using the crossing_wkt
field (crosswalks only).
Load the elements.csv file. Using QGIS, select Layer>Add Layer>Add Delimited Text Layer
Browse to the elements-roadway.csv file. Under Geometry Definition, select how you would like to display the roadway elements. There are three options:
A: Bounding Box centroids: Point coordinates using thelong
B: Bounding Boxes: Well known text (WKT) using thebbox_wkt
C: Crossing vectors: Well known text (WKT) using thecrossing_wkt
Working with Elements Roadway Data in ESRI Software
Accessing Vexcel Imagery in ArcGIS Pro [Vexcel Image Services for ArcGIS]
To access Vexcel Imagery:
Using Catalog, navigate to your Portal and search for Vexcel Imagery. Select the image layer needed, right click and select Add to Current Map.
Filter the image layer added to the map to the specific
found in the elements-roadway.csv file, by right clicking on the image layer and select Properties.
Create a New definition query specifying the AOI listed in the Road Elements.csv or report.txt file. Repeat as needed.
Accessing Vexcel Imagery in ArcGIS Pro [Data From Path]
To access Vexcel Imagery:
Select the Map tab at the top. In the Layer section, click on the Add Data dropdown and select Add Data > Data From Path.
In the Add Data From Path dialog box, enter the OrthoImageTile service URL and values specific to the elements roadway data (
) found in the elements-roadway.csv file and your unique token value.Set service type to Automatic and click Add.
Displaying Elements Roadway Data in ArcGIS Pro
You can display the detected roadway features as points using the long
and lat
fields, as polygons using the bbox_wkt
field, and lines using the crossing_wkt
field (crosswalks only).
Display as Points
The centroids of the AI Bounding Boxes can be used to display the detected roadway features as points.
Select the Map tab at the top. In the Layer section, click on the Add Data dropdown and select Add Data.
Browse to the folder location of the elemenst-roadway.csv file and click OK.
In the Contents panel, select the elements-roadway.csv file, right-click and select Create Points From Table > XY Table To Point. Set the X field to
and the Y Field tolat
. Click OK.
Exploring Elements Roadway Data in GIS
Elements Roadway data can be used for a variety of use-cases including those detailed in the following sections.
Pavement Marking Condition Assessment
Pavement marking roadway features have a quality_score
value that scores the marking visibility using subjective criteria. Markings are scored from 1 to 4 based on visibility of defects.
Score | Example | Description |
Good: 4 | Good. No visible signs of defects. | |
Acceptable: 3 | Acceptable. Minimal signs of defects. | |
Fair: 2 | Fair. Pronounced signs of defects that affect the function of the marking. | |
Poor: 1 | Poor. Pronounced signs of defects that significantly affect the function of the marking. |
Using this data, pavement markings can be quickly filtered by category
and quality_score
to identify markings for further review.
1 or 2. Roadway Inventories for Bike and Pedestrian Facilities
Crosswalks - locations, condition, and crossing distances of standard and high-visibility crossing at intersections and midblock.
Bicycle lanes - locations of bicycle related symbols, words and green colored pavement to update maps.
Infrastructure - locations of ADA detectable curb mats (truncated dome) and pedestrian refuge islands.
Roadway Inventories for FWHA Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) Reporting
AI detected roadway features and pavement markings can be used in geospatial queries and processing routines to populate intersection, approach, and road segment GIS features with a number of attributes useful for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Model Inventory of Roadway Elements (MIRE) inventories and reporting. The table below lists MIRE data elements that can be populated using Elements Roadways data.
MIRE Data Element | MIRE No. | MIRE Data Type | Data Attributes |
Presence/Absence of Bicycle Facilities | 41 | Roadway Segment | Presence/Absence:
School Zone Indicator | 99 | Roadway Segment | Indication of school zone.
Type of Intersection/Junction | 111 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions | Presence/Absence:
Intersection/Junction Number of Legs | 115 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions | Numeric |
Intersection/Junction Geometry | 116 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions | Presence/Absence:
Intersection/Junction Traffic Control FDE | 121 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions |
Circular Intersection - Bicycle Facility | 127 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions | Presence of bicycle facility
Number of Approach Through Lanes | 134 | At-Grade Intersection/Junctions | Numeric |
Number of Exclusive Left-Turn Lanes | 136 | Intersection Leg (each approach) | Numeric |
Number of Exclusive Right-Turn Lanes | 140 | Intersection Leg (each approach) | Numeric |
Approach Traffic Control | 144 | Intersection Leg (each approach) |
Crosswalk Presence/Type | 147 | Intersection Leg (each approach) |
Circular Intersection - Presence/Type of Exclusive Right-Turn Lane | 160 | Intersection Leg (each approach) |
Circular Intersection - Pedestrian Facility | 165 | Intersection Leg (each approach) |
ADA Compliance Assessment
Locations of required detectable warnings (truncated domes) on curb ramps per U.S. Department of Justice 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Locations of accessibility parking spaces using Accessibility Symbol detections.
Confirm and Document Installation of Countermeasures
Creation of as-builts for FWHA proven Pedestrian/Bicyclist countermeasures (e.g., high-visibility crosswalks, advance stop and yield lines, and pedestrian refuge islands).