My Data Tool
The My Data Tool allows users to import their own data to use in the Viewer.
Supported File Types
The following kinds of data can be imported into the Viewer:
ArcGIS Rest Feature Service
Vector Tiles
XYZ Layer
Any imported file must be less than 20 MB.
Importing External Data Files
To import data, open the My Data tool and click on the Add Data button or on the area that says Click here to add data.
A dialogue screen will appear.
You can drag a file into the window or navigate to the file on your computer by clicking browse.
When you select the file, it will import and you will get a success message.
If there is a problem with your file, or the file is not formatted correctly, you will see an error message. To resolve this, you’ll need to format the file correctly. Verify that you’ve formatted your CSV according to the guidelines above (and that it’s saved as a .csv and not some other format), and ensure you have all the components of your shapefile in the zip folder. If you need further assistance, contact your administrator or access help via the help menu in the upper right corner.
When you click OK, your data will appear in the Viewer. Your data is stored locally, meaning that it is stored only within your browser’s cache. Your data is not uploaded to a server and Vexcel does not see the contents. This is to maintain the security of your data. If you log in to the Viewer with a different browser or clear your cache on your current browser, you will need to re-import your data.
All imported data layers can be toggled on and off with the check box on the left. They can also be reordered by simply dragging the layer into the desired position in the all-data list view.. Individual entries within the dataset’s own specific list view cannot be reordered.
CSV Imports
CSV imports contain point attribute information stored as latitude and longitude coordinates (in decimal degrees). The Viewer uses this information to plot the location on the map.
Formatting Your CSV
CSVs must be formatted in a specific manner in order to be imported successfully. A CSV template is available for download in the Viewer, or, you can easily create your own file. To download the CSV template, open the My Data tool, click Add Data, and then select Download a CSV template here. The download will start automatically.
Your CSV should be formatted as follows. Ensure you save it as a .csv, not an .xlsx, .xls, or other format.
The first field should contain the latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The header should appear as
in all lowercase. "LAT," "Lat," "Latitude," "LATITUDE," or "latitude" will cause errors.The second field should contain the longitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The header should appear as
in all lowercase. "LON," "Lon," "Longitude," "LONGITUDE," "longitude," or any variation of "long" will cause errors.The third field should contain a title for that location. This title will display in the list in the Viewer. Examples for values for this field can be a full address, a street address only, a property title, or a policy or parcel number associated with the property. This field can be can be left empty if desired, but will show as empty in the Viewer. The header should appear as
in all lowercase. "Title," "TITLE," or "name" will cause errors.The fourth field is optional, but if filled it will display in the Viewer beneath the values in the third field. The header for this field may be formatted in any manner.
Any fields after the fourth field are also optional.
lat | lon | title | (Optional 1) | (Optional 2) |
37.237854 | -121.82819 | Primary Residence | 123 Example Street | optional |
37.237854 | -121.82819 | Vacation Home | 456 Example Street | optional |
37.237854 | -121.82819 | Apartment | 789 Example Street | optional |
Note: Importing CSVs with addresses only (with no geographic coordinates) is not possible. Geographic coordinates (lat/long) must be included.
Navigating Imported CSV Data
The spreadsheet example above appears in the Viewer like this:
Click on Open list view. The list of data appears.
When an entry in the list is hovered over, a button appears that allows you to zoom to that location.
When the location is zoomed to, an information card opens, showing options for the location.
For more information about the info card, please refer to the Property and Location Information section.
There are two new options: (1) an expandable entry that allows you to see information from the CSV regarding this location, and (2) the ability to click through locations within the CSV using arrows.
Expand the CSV information dropdown to see information from the CSV regarding this location.
Click on the arrows at the top to quickly navigate between locations contained in the CSV.
Click on the back arrow to return to the main CSV list view.
Clicking on back while in the CSV list view will return to the all-data list view.
Shapefile Imports
Shapefiles depict features as either points, lines, or polygons. Shapefiles are made of multiple sub-files that work together to provide the necessary data.
To import a shapefile in the Viewer, all sub-files must be zipped together into a single .zip folder.
Shapefiles need to be projected in WGS 84 (ESPG: 4326) in order to successfully display in the Viewer. To determine your shapefile’s projection, open it in a GIS program and view the properties. You can also open the shapefile’s .prj file in a text editor to view the projection. If your shapefile is not projected in WGS 84 (ESPG: 4326), you can easily reproject it in your GIS program of choice.
KML/KMZ Imports
Similar to shapefiles, KMLs/KMZs depict features as either points, lines, or polygons.
KMLs and KMZs do not need special formatting for use in the Viewer.
The Viewer does not currently import preset styling options for KMLs or KMZs. This option may be available in the future.
WMS, WMTS, WFS, ArcGIS Rest Feature Service, Vector Tiles, and XYZ Layer Data Imports
To add WMS, WMTS, WFS, ArcGIS Rest Feature Service, Vector Tiles, or XYZ Layer data, open the My Data tool and click on the Add Data button or on the area that says Click here to add data.
A dialogue screen will appear. Open the Import Data drop down menu.
This will open the list of data types that can be imported.
Use the dropdown menu to select which type of data you’ll be adding, then fill out the form according to the service you’re connecting to.
Once you provide the proper data source and credentials (if needed), the URL will validate and if it is successful, a small green checkmark will appear next to the URL. The service will return the layer(s) available.
You’ll be prompted to select which layer(s) you’d like to add from the service (if applicable). You will also be prompted to enter a display name for the data and set the opacity (default opacity is 75% but may be edited later). Follow the directions on the screen.
Once you click add, your data will be added to the list showing the name you selected for it.
WKT and GeoJSON Imports
WKTs and GeoJSONs can be imported by using the main workflow to import data files.
WKTs and GeoJSONs can also be imported by pasting the WKT or GeoJSON text directly into a text box. To do this, open the Import Data drop down menu.
Then scroll down and select WKT or GeoJSON.
An interactive text box will appear. Paste the text of the WKT or GeoJSON directly into the text box.
Then click Next. Enter a name for your file, then click Add.
You will see a confirmation message that the file was added successfully. Click OK to confirm. The WKT or GeoJSON will be added to the map.
Additional Options Menu
By clicking additional options on any imported dataset, you will see a menu.
You can edit the way your data displays on the screen. The style options are fill color and stroke (outline) color. The opacity of both can also be adjusted.
Click on the style option to edit and use the widget tool to make adjustments.
After you make your selections, click save on the widget, then save on the main edit screen. The data on the map will update with your new style settings.
Selecting remove from the additional options menu allows you to remove the data from the Viewer. If you accidentally remove data, you can simply re-add it.
Highlight on Map
Selecting highlight on map will zoom you to the extent of the data you’ve uploaded.
Retrieve Property Information
This option is only available for .csv datasets. For information on using this tool, please refer to the Elements section.
Retrieve Damage Assessment
This option is only available for .csv datasets. For information on using this tool, please refer to the Elements section.
Data Search Tool
The data search tool allows you to search for and zoom to different features contained within imported data.
The data search tool is located beneath the add data button in the My Data tool.
The data search tool contains two filtering options. If you have many datasets, you can use the layer filter to select the layer you’d like to search through. If you know which field within your file the data of interest is in (for example, a field called “APN” or “Parcel Number”) you can use the field filter to narrow the search even more.
The layer and field filters can be used together or independently of one another.
If you’re not sure which layer and/or field your data is in, you can simply type your search value into the search bar, and the tool will search through all the imported data.
Once the search has returned results, you can use the arrow button to zoom to the feature of interest.
To clear the search, delete the search value from the search bar by highlighting it and deleting it, or press the X button. Don’t forget to reset the layer and field filters to all.
The data search tool works for .CSVs, shapefiles, .KMLs/.KMZs, WFS, and ArcGIS Rest FS data. If your search isn’t returning results, ensure that (1) you are not trying to search in an unsupported data type, (2) that your search terms are spelled correctly, and (3) that you have not selected the wrong layer or field while filtering.