Image Gallery

Image Gallery

The image gallery is a powerful tool that allows you to view every image ever captured at a given location. The image gallery has two modes: the image gallery panel and the image gallery full screen.


Image Gallery: Panel Mode

The image gallery panel is useful for quickly sifting through and viewing images of a location. Open it by clicking on the Image Gallery tool in the toolbar (the image icon). Note that the Image Gallery will be unavailable if you are too zoomed out, so to use this feature ensure that you’re zoomed in close to your location of interest.

The collection year can be selected from the drop-down menu at the top, and the collection can be filtered by image orientation accordingly. For information on filtering the images, see the Using Filters section in this document.

To view an image on the screen, simply click on it in the list.

To access the full screen image gallery mode, click on the fullscreen mode button in the top right corner of the panel.

Filters you have applied in the panel will be applied in the full screen gallery view, and filters you apply in the full screen view will stay in sync with the panel. Additionally, if you have an image in the panel selected, the full screen gallery view will auto-scroll to that image in the list upon opening.

Selecting the back arrow button from the full screen view will take you to the yearly collection screen, and clicking it again will return you to the image gallery panel.

The functionality for the full screen mode is detailed in the Image Gallery: Full Screen Mode section.

Image Gallery: Full Screen Mode

The image gallery full screen is useful for gathering comprehensive information about the images at a location in addition to viewing them. This can be accessed through the info box that appears when you search or right-click > get info for a given location. The info box contains an option to Open image gallery. This option will be unavailable if you are too zoomed out, so to use this feature ensure that you’re zoomed in close to your location of interest.

The full screen image gallery mode can also be accessed from the Fullscreen mode option in the image gallery panel.

Selecting Open Image Gallery in the info box opens a window with collections of images divided by year that you can open and examine. The number of available collections will vary by location.

Using Filters

Within each collection year, all images are displayed. You can filter the images into Blue Sky or Gray Sky imagery (if available). Clicking on a selected filter again returns you to the previous section.

Blue Sky Filters

Blue Sky collections may be divided into Urban and Wide Area, depending on availability.

Blue Sky Urban imagery is imagery that includes oriented images/obliques (3D). It may be further filtered into orientations (north, south, east, west, and vertical). If a given orientation filter does not appear in the list, it means that orientation is not available in that collection for the location.

Wide Area imagery does not contain oblique images and has no further filters available.

Gray Sky Filters

Gray Sky collections may be divided into Urban and Wide Area, depending on availability. However, most Gray Sky collections will contain only one option. These filters work the same as the Blue Sky filters.


Gray Sky Urban collections may only contain an option for vertical imagery and no other orientations. This is normal due to the sensor used to collect the imagery in that location.

Understanding the Image Thumbnail

Each image thumbnail in the gallery conveys information about the image’s name, the date of capture, and the collection type (Urban or Wide Area). The format of this information may vary slightly between different collections.

There is a copy icon that allows you to copy the full image name.

Clicking on an image thumbnail opens up a full screen preview (if in full screen mode) or shows the image directly on the map (if in panel mode).

Images in the thumbnails appear at a slightly lower resolution than the actual image, especially with some thumbnails for Wide Area collections. This is not an error or problem with the data. The thumbnail is only intended to give you an idea of the image contents. To experience the full resolution image, view it on the map.

Full Screen Preview Mode

The image gallery full screen preview mode allows you to quickly gain information about the image you have selected. The preview window displays the address, the image name, the capture date, the collection type (Urban or Wide Area), and its position in the image list (total available images will change based on which filters you have applied).

The info icon opens a small panel where you can gather more details about the image.

The screenshot icon downloads the cropped image you see as a screenshot.

You can also navigate between images in the full-screen preview instead of going back and selecting a new image each time. The arrows on either side of the image will take you to the previous or next image in the list.

To return to the previous grid, click on the icon next to the address in the top left corner.

To view the image on the map, select view on map in the upper right corner of the screen.

The image preview window is intended to help you gather information about the image itself. You can’t pan and zoom the image in this mode, so it’s not recommended to perform imagery analysis while in this preview screen. To use the full resolution image for analysis, display it on the map by selecting view on map in the upper right corner of the preview screen.

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