Timeline, Compass Control, and CIR Toggle

Timeline, Compass Control, and CIR Toggle


The timeline allows you to easily view the different collections of imagery available in a given location.

Each stop on the timeline represents a different imagery collection available at the location on the map. The stops on the timeline communicate several pieces of information about each collection at a glance:

  • Blue Sky vs. Gray Sky collections: Blue Sky collections are represented with a blue circle. Dark blue represents Urban collections at higher resolutions. Light blue represents Wide Area collections with a slightly lower resolution. Gray Sky collections are represented with a gray storm cloud.

  • 2D collection vs. 3D collections: The 2D and 3D designations on the timeline stops indicate whether the given collection is 2D only or whether it’s a collection that includes 3D.

  • Collection date: The collection year is shown over the first collection in the given year. The full date for any collection can be seen by hovering over it or clicking on it to select it.

  • Currently visible collection: The white arrow indicates which collection is currently selected/visible on the map.

Timeline: 2D Mode

In 2D mode, the timeline shows all available collections at the location. Please note: datasets that only contain 2D images, such as Wide Area collections, will only show on the timeline when you are in in 2D mode. The stops on the timeline are spaced based on the time between collections.

To use the timeline slider in 2D mode, ensure you have 2D mode selected on the compass control.

Timeline: 3D Mode

In 3D mode, the timeline shows all sets of imagery for which 3D imagery is available. Note that 2D only collections are unavailable in this mode.

To use the timeline in 3D mode, ensure you have 3D mode selected on the compass control.

Timeline Filter

The timeline filter allows advanced filtering of collections. This is useful for isolating collections that meet a specific set of characteristics. Click on the timeline filter to open it.

Filter Options

Collection Type

  • 2D: Collections that only have 2D imagery available.

  • 3D: Collections that have both 2D and 3D imagery available.

GSD (Resolution)

  • 5 = >2.5 cm and <6.25 cm

  • 7.5 = >=6.25 cm and <10.75 cm

  • 15 = >=10.75 cm and <17.5 cm

  • 20 = >=17.5 cm and <30 cm

Ortho Status

  • True Ortho: Professional grade orthomosaic with little to no visible seamlines or parallax.

  • Ortho: High quality orthomosaic that may contain occasional artifacts or building lean.

Imagery Type

  • Blue Sky: Imagery collected under normal conditions as part of Vexcel's regular collection schedule.

  • Gray Sky: Imagery collected after a natural disaster affects an area.

Use the check boxes beside each data characteristic to filter the timeline to show only the collections you are looking for. For example, if you want to show only Blue Sky 3D collections that have a GSD (resolution) of 7.5 cm or better, uncheck the boxes that don’t match these criteria.

Collections that don’t match the criteria will be hidden from the map and will be grayed out on the timeline.

Compass Control

The compass control allows easy navigation through the various orientations of imagery.

Compass Control: 2D Mode

When viewing 2D (ortho) imagery, you can rotate to have any direction shown at the top of the map. The compass rotates to indicate which direction you’re looking.

This image has been rotated to show with south up - and the compass control reflects this new orientation.

Compass Control: 3D Mode

To view 3D (oblique/oriented imagery), select the 3D option on the compass control. Note that this option will be unavailable if you’re viewing a collection that doesn’t have 3D imagery, or if you’re too zoomed out.

You can view any available orientation of imagery by selecting that orientation on the compass control. The compass rotates along with the image to indicate which direction you’re looking.

The view here shows a west facing 3D (oblique/oriented) image. West is up. The compass control reflects this selection and orientation.

To switch back to 2D (ortho) imagery, simply select the 2D button on the compass. You will return to 2D imagery with north automatically facing up.

Color Infrared (CIR) Toggle

The Color Infrared (CIR) imagery toggle is located to the left of the compass control and allows you to view color infrared orthomosaic imagery (in 2D mode) or the color infrared vertical image (in 3D mode).

The toggle will be available for collections with CIR imagery. Hover over the CIR button to expand the toggle, and switch it on to access the CIR imagery.

To return to regular RGB imagery, simply switch the CIR toggle off.

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