(Legacy UI) Image History

(Legacy UI) Image History

This UI no longer exists in the Viewer. It has been replaced by the Timeline.

If there is imagery for the same area taken on multiple dates, you can use the image history tool to quickly view the different datasets.

The image history tool is found in the lower right corner of the screen.

When you’re viewing oblique image datasets, the image history tool can be found to the left of the image orientation buttons.

When searching for a new location where there is historical imagery, the image history tool button will flash for several seconds to indicate that more imagery is available. The button will remain highlighted, as in the images above.

If there is no additional imagery at that location, the image history tool button will not be highlighted.

Pressing the image history tool button opens a small pop-up window in the upper right corner of the viewer.

The month and year of the imagery appears in the upper left corner of the window.

The icon indicated below allows you to drag the image history window to any location on the screen. Click and hold the icon while dragging the mouse to move the window. The X button closes the tool.

At the bottom of the window, there is a timeline slider showing when imagery was taken for this location. Each point on the timeline represents a different date of imagery collection. Some of the dots indicating imagery may have a cloud with lightning icon underneath them. This indicates a gray sky collection for that location.

When you click on other points on the timeline, the window provides a preview of the imagery.

To view the imagery for that date, press the expand on map button above the slider.


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