

Elements Property Information, Damage Assessment, and PDF Reports can be accessed easily in the Viewer. To do so, either search for a location using the location search bar, or right click on any location and click Get Info. Elements information associated with the location is available in the location’s info card.

Elements Property Information

To view Elements Property Information for a location, click on the Property Info button in the Elements section of the location’s info card. Property information for that location will be displayed. The building footprint and parcel boundary will also show in blue on the map.

The property info section can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the Property Information header.

Immediately below the header, the date of the imagery used for the analysis is displayed. Tip: Make sure you have the matching collection selected on the timeline to avoid confusion or discrepancies between what’s on the screen and what the property information is saying.

Property measurement values can be toggled between Imperial or Metric units by clicking on either Imperial or Metric.

Visibility of property footprints, including the building footprint and parcel boundary, can be toggled on or off by clicking on the checkbox.

The property information can be copied by clicking on copy table.

The rest of the list shows the property information, which contains information such as whether there’s a pool on the property, roof type, material, and condition, the extent of the building footprint, defensible space, and other useful information.

A complete list of the available Property Features, as well as definitions for each item, can be found in the Elements Property Information Data Dictionary here: GetPropertyInformation - v1.4 | Data Dictionary.

Elements Damage Assessment

Elements Damage Assessment information is available for locations affected by Gray Sky events occurring in March 2022 or later.

To view Elements Damage Assessment for a location, click on the Damage Assessment button in the Elements section of the location’s info card. Damage Assessment information for that location will be displayed. The building footprint and parcel boundary will also show in on the map. The building footprint will display in a color that corresponds to the level of damage it has experienced. Undamaged buildings are shown in green, moderately damaged buildings are displayed in yellow, and heavily damaged or destroyed buildings are displayed in red.

The information sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the dropdown arrow next to their respective header.

Immediately below the header, the date of the imagery used for the analysis is displayed. Tip: Make sure you have the matching Gray Sky collection selected on the timeline to avoid confusion or discrepancies between what’s on the screen and what the property information is saying. Some Gray Sky events have multiple collections, and because conditions change very quickly in these situations, it’s important to ensure you’re using the same imagery that the Damage Assessment is based on.

Property measurement values can be toggled between Imperial or Metric units by clicking on either Imperial or Metric.

Visibility of property footprints, including the building footprint and parcel boundary, can be toggled on or off by clicking on the checkbox.

The rest of the list shows the damage assessment, which contains information about the level of damage the building has sustained, and the condition of the roof. Pre-damage property information generated before the Gray Sky event is shown in the list below.

A complete list of the available Damage Assessment information, as well as definitions for each item, can be found in the Elements Damage Assessment Data Dictionary here: GetPropertyDamage - v1.4 | Data Dictionary. For information on the regular Property Information, see the Elements Property Information Data Dictionary here: GetPropertyInformation - v1.4 | Data Dictionary.

Elements PDF Reports

Both Elements Property Information and Elements Damage Assessment information are available in a PDF report format.

Elements Property Information PDF Report

To get an Elements Property Information PDF Report for a location, click on the Property Report (PDF) button in the Elements section of the location’s info card.

A dialogue box will appear.

Click the Next button in the Elements Property Report section.

In this form, you can customize various aspects of the report. By default, the report will contain:

  • All Property Information attributes

  • 5 way image orientations (nadir, north, south, east, and west) from the most recent imagery collection

Property measurement values in the report can be set to display in Imperial or Metric units by clicking on either Imperial or Metric.

You can also select any addition information you’d like to add to your report, such as:

  • Additional Blue Sky collections

  • Additional Gray Sky imagery collections (if available)

  • The most recent Color Infrared imagery collection

All additional selections are displayed in the Report Summary section on the right side of the window.

When you’re ready, download the report by clicking the Download Report button in the Report Summary section.

Elements Damage Assessment PDF Report

Elements Damage Assessment PDF reports are available for locations affected by Gray Sky events occurring in March 2022 or later.

To get an Elements Damage Assessment PDF Report for a location, click on the Property Report (PDF) button in the Elements section of the location’s info card.

A dialogue box will appear.

Click the Next button in the Elements Damage Report section.

In this form, you can customize various aspects of the report. By default, the report will contain:

  • All Damage Assessment attributes

  • Imagery from the most recent Gray Sky event

  • All pre-damage Property Information attributes

  • 5 way image orientations (nadir, north, south, east, and west) from the most recent pre-damage Blue Sky collection

Property measurement values in the report can be set to display in Imperial or Metric units by clicking on either Imperial or Metric.

You can also select any addition information you’d like to add to your report, such as:

  • Additional Blue Sky collections

  • Additional Gray Sky imagery collections (if available)

  • The most recent Color Infrared imagery collection

All additional selections are displayed in the Report Summary section on the right side of the window.

When you’re ready, download the report by clicking the Download Report button in the Report Summary section.

CSV x Elements Property Information

Available for properties in US and Canada

Elements Property Information can be gathered for many properties at once using the CSV x Elements Property Information tool. To use this tool, first import a CSV file containing location information into the Viewer. For documentation regarding how to do this, refer to the CSV Imports section in the My Data Tool documentation page.

Once your CSV file is imported, click on the additional options menu and click Retrieve property information.

A dialogue box with options will appear. Verify that you’ve selected the correct CSV file and that the number of properties (individual locations) looks correct. Then, use the dropdown menu to select which product you would like:

  • All attributes (default): Gathers all available property information for every location in the CSV. This is the default option and is what should be selected unless there’s a specific reason to select one of the other options.

  • Building footprints only: Gathers only the building footprint information for the locations in the CSV (ignores building attributes and property attributes).

  • Building attributes only: Gathers only the building attribute information for the locations in the CSV (ignores building footprints and property attributes).

  • Property attributes only: Gathers only the property attribute information for the locations in the CSV (ignores building footprints and building attributes).

Once the product is selected, click Review.

Review the request summary. If you need to make changes, click Back. If everything looks correct, click Start Processing.

The request will start processing and a status bar at the bottom of the screen will show the progress. The entire process should not take more than a few seconds.

Once the processing is complete, the resulting CSV file will be automatically downloaded.

Occasionally, there are properties with no property information available. If this occurs, the resulting file will not show data for that property.

CSV x Elements Damage Assessment

Elements Damage Assessment information is available for locations affected by Gray Sky events occurring in March 2022 or later.

Available for properties in US and Canada

Elements Damage Assessment information can be gathered for many properties at once using the CSV x Elements Damage Assessment tool. To use this tool, first import a CSV file containing location information into the Viewer. For documentation regarding how to do this, refer to the CSV Imports section in the My Data Tool documentation page.

Once your CSV file is imported, click on the additional options menu and click Retrieve damage assessment.

A dialogue box with options will appear. It may take a moment to load. Once it appears, verify that you’ve selected the correct CSV file. Then, use the dropdown menu to select the Gray Sky event name for which you’d like to get Damage Assessment information for.

Once the Gray Sky event is selected, the event date will update and the number of properties will update to show the number of locations within the CSV file that fall within the dataset for that Gray Sky event.

Click Review.

Review the request summary. If you need to make changes, click Back. If everything looks correct, click Start Processing.

The request will start processing and a status bar at the bottom of the screen will show the progress. The entire process should not take more than a few seconds.

Once the processing is complete, the resulting CSV file will be automatically downloaded.

Occasionally, there are properties with no damage assessment information available. If this occurs, the resulting file will not show data for that property.

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