Export GeoTIFF

Export GeoTIFF

The Export GeoTIFF allows you to export areas of imagery for use outside the Viewer in a GIS. GeoTIFFs are already georeferenced, so they can be pulled into a GIS program and used without the need for additional cumbersome processing.

To open the Export GeoTIFF tool, click on the download icon in the toolbar while in 2D mode.

You can also open the Export GeoTIFF tool by right clicking on a location and selecting Export GeoTIFF.

To select the area you’d like to download, use the drawing tools provided within the tool menu. You can select an area by drawing a polygon, rectangle, or circle. You can edit or clear any shape with the tools.

Dimensions for any drawn shape can be toggled on to assist with area selection.

You can also import your own boundary file. To do so, click Click here to add data. The following kinds of data are supported as boundary files:

  • CSV

  • Shapefile

  • KML and KMZ

  • WKT

  • GeoJSON

For details regarding importing data, see the My Data Tool section of the documentation.

Once a download area has been selected (either through drawing a shape or importing a boundary file), the Current download size will update with the number of tiles contained in the selected area.

In the Output settings, you can select the zoom, or resolution, of the imagery and the clip settings.

Zoom level 21 is the best (highest) resolution. Options between zoom levels 16 and 21 are available. Changing the zoom level to a lower resolution will decrease the download size (fewer tiles).

Exact clip will clip the imagery to the drawn shape. Bounding box will extend the download to a minimum bounding rectangle around the specified shape.

When you have the settings you want, click Download. The GeoTIFF will download to the browser.

The maximum single download size limit is 1024 tiles. The maximum total download limit is 12,288 tiles.

If your selected area exceeds the maximum single download size (1,024 tiles), the download size will show in yellow.

The selected area cannot be downloaded in a single file, but there are several options.

  1. Change the zoom to a lower resolution to reduce the number of tiles, or

  2. Edit the selection to be a smaller area to reduce the number of tiles, or

  3. Download multiple GeoTIFFs.

Up to 12,288 tiles can be downloaded as a group in multiple files. To do this. click on download multiple GeoTIFFs in the warning message.

A dialogue box will appear.

Select to export the files into a zip file, or into individual files, then click Export Multiple.

The files will download to the browser.

If your selected area exceeds the maximum total download size (12,288 tiles), the download size will show in red.

The selected area is too large to be downloaded. Either:

  1. Change the zoom to a lower resolution to reduce the number of tiles, or

  2. Edit the selection to be a smaller area to reduce the number of tiles.

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